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Splatoon 2 Costume / Making the Ink Roller

[wc_box color=”inverse” text_align=”center” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” class=””]Here we are, the last item to make for this Splatoon 2 costume, the ink roller.  I’m glad I kept the simplest thing for last![/wc_box]

If you’ve missed it, here’s what I’ve done in the last weeks:

The ink roller

Here’s a picture of our little guy with the ink roller in question:

Splatoon 2 | Kid Halloween Costume | T-shirt | Cosplay | Inkling boy costume | blue | headphones | shirt | Ink tank | Ink roller | Paint roller | rouleau de peinture | DIY | Tutorial | garçon| Stencil | pochoir | gabarit gratuit | Free template

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Here’s what I used:

[wc_box color=”primary” text_align=”left” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” class=””]


How to do it:

I cut the dowels and the pool noodle to the length illustrated below.

Splatoon 2 | Kid Halloween Costume | T-shirt | Cosplay | Inkling boy costume | blue | headphones | shirt | Ink tank | Ink roller | Paint roller | rouleau de peinture | DIY | Tutorial | garçon| Stencil | pochoir | gabarit gratuit | Free template

Then I painted the dowels purple (except the 36″), the elbows silver and the bottle of Cola blue. If you remember, my little client asked for a character in blue, not green!


I added hot glue inside the plastic elbows and inserted the dowels as shown.

Splatoon 2 | Kid Halloween Costume | T-shirt | Cosplay | Inkling boy costume | blue | headphones | shirt | Ink tank | Ink roller | Paint roller | rouleau de peinture | DIY | Tutorial | garçon| Stencil | pochoir | gabarit gratuit | Free template

To ensure good stability, I added 2 screws to the following places, making sure that it went through both the plastic and the dowel:

Splatoon 2 | Kid Halloween Costume | T-shirt | Cosplay | Inkling boy costume | blue | headphones | shirt | Ink tank | Ink roller | Paint roller | rouleau de peinture | DIY | Tutorial | garçon| Stencil | pochoir | gabarit gratuit | Free template

** Update: A photo session and an excited little boy was enough for me to add screws to ALL the dowels!!! 😉

Splatoon 2 | Kid Halloween Costume | T-shirt | Cosplay | Inkling boy costume | blue | headphones | shirt | Ink tank | Ink roller | Paint roller | rouleau de peinture | DIY | Tutorial | garçon| Stencil | pochoir | gabarit gratuit | Free template

I attached the bottle with black Duct tape and added some at the end of the pool noodle and on the extremity of the dowel to create a handle.

Splatoon 2 | Kid Halloween Costume | T-shirt | Cosplay | Inkling boy costume | blue | headphones | shirt | Ink tank | Ink roller | Paint roller | rouleau de peinture | DIY | Tutorial | garçon| Stencil | pochoir | gabarit gratuit | Free template


You can also check out the other pieces of the costume:

Still to come, the final result!

Splatoon 2 | Kid Halloween Costume | T-shirt | Cosplay | Inkling boy costume | blue | headphones | shirt | Ink tank | Ink roller | Paint roller | rouleau de peinture | DIY | Tutorial | garçon| Stencil | pochoir | gabarit gratuit | Free template

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